Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday, Mar. 19, 2013

Drawing Center:
Compare a stars life cycle to that of a butterfly. Start with eggs and include caterpillar, chrysalis (cocoon), and adult butterfly

Writing Center
Use a separate piece of paper and write a 1 page autobiography of the Sun.  You will pretend you are the Sun.  You have just become a white dwarf.  Tell me your story.  How was your life?  Are you satisfied?  Do you have regrets like not becoming a Black Hole? Your story should include every phase of your life.

BrainPop  Center 

1. How do stars start out?  What do you call a baby star?
2. What is “the main sequence” ?
3. How big a white dwarf star?
4. Why are red giants called red giants?
5. When our sun becomes a red giant what do you think will happen to us?
6. What happens after the Red Giant stage of a star’s  life?
7. What  do you need to know about a star to determine if it will turn into a pulsar or a black hole?
Take the quiz. How did you do!? _____________ /10

Click the button that says ‘FYI’, read the short article and answer the questions: How could supernovas harm us? Should we be scared of a supernova?

Brain POP video
Click Here

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