Thursday, June 27, 2013

Buzz Unit 1, Learning Target 3

Buzz Unit 1: Population Ecology

Learning Target: 3. Producers and Photosynthesis
Practice Option 2 - Click Here

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Buzz Unit 1 - Learning Target 1 -Limiting Factors in Ecosystems

Practice - Option 2 - Carrying Capacity and Limiting Factors
Click Here

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Task 1 - Thank you letter

I need a one paragraph thank you letter addressed to Ms. Berridge about our projector.

Dear Ms. Berridge,

Thank you for helping to fund our projector.

Why is it nice to donate money?
How has havign a projetor been good?
How does it help you learn?

Your Name (first name only)

Task 2 - 
Answer these questions:
1) Do you like the program? Explain
2) How easy is the program to use? rate it 1-5, 1 is hard, 5 is easy
3) Do you think you would learn more using this program than not using this program (is it useful)?
4) How much help would you need to complete the program? 
5) Would you prefer to do this with a partner, but working on seperate computers or by yourself?

Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday, June 24, 2013

2 Tasks Today

Task 1 -
Log into BUZZ.  We will be using it throughout the summer and into next year.  We need to get it going, so today you will mke sure you can login.  You need to check through the content and make sure you have Science.  If you do not have science, please write your name on the board.  For directions to log into BUZZ, please see the BUZZ tab on the side of the page or Click Here

BUZZ -Click Here

Task 2 -
We are piloting a program (testing it out) to see if this is something we want to have available to us next year.  We just completed an ecosystem unit and so I want you to compare what we did to the program below.  This program is just about food webs.

I want you to keep 5 things in mind:
1) Do you like the program?
2) How easy is the program to use?
3) Do you think you would learn more using this program than not using this program (is it useful)?
4) How much help would you need to complete the program?
5) Would you prefer to do this with a partner, but working on seperate computers or by yourself?

You will be writing 3 paragraphs to answer these questions TOMORROW.
Click Here

Friday, June 14, 2013

Saturday, June 8, 2013

June 10, 2013

For those who did not get a notes sheet on Wednesday, June 5, from the sub, please do those notes first.  Ms. Byles has them for you.  If you need to make up centers from June 6, please do those as well.  You are expected to have completed 3 centers.  Please do that work first !!!!

I know a few (and I literally mean 3 people) have finished all the work from when I was gone last AND turned it in.  For those that have, you can skip over the June 5 notes and centers and move onto the work for today.  

June 5 Work - Below

Population Growth and Carrying Capacity Guided Notes - Click Here


Bill Nye Video - Click Here

Population Growth Center - Click Here

BrainPop Video - Populaiton Growth - Click Here

New Work - June 10, 2013

Activity 1
PowerPoint for test review - Click Here.
Just go through it to make sure you are cool for tomorrow.  Write down any questions you have.  

Activity 2
Write 3 questions you think would be on the test and answer them.

Activity 3 - Click Here
Choose a webquest that would be of interest to you.  Some we have done, most we have not.  I am going to allow for your class to choose the next unit.  Please look at least 3 different webquests and decide if it is something you are interested.  Please tell me the webquests you looked at and whether or not you think we should do that.  I expect 1 paragraph (4-6 sentences) about each webquest you look at and why or why not we should do it.

Please note-ignore the grade levels, they are based on Utah Standards so they don't apply to us.

Example (we already did this webquest):
I really like the Phases of the Moon webquest.  The reason I liked this webquest is becuase I have always been interested in how we see the moon change.  It has never made complete sense to me and so I want to learn about it.  I looked at the webquest and it seems like I could do this work.  It will challenge me, but it is interesting and exciting.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Hello students.  I know you all missed me; don't worry I missed you too.  I will be back tomorrow though.  I decided to post-pone the test until Tuesday.  I realized it wasn't fair if I didn't do the review with you.  For today, please use regular lined paper to answer all the questions and turn it into the guest teacher at the end of the day.

Activity 1 - Carrying Capacity and Satiation in Predator-Prey Relationships

You will first look up a definiton to help you understand the assignemtn.  Once that is done, you will be runngin a carrying capacity simulation.  Answer the questions that go with the simulation.

Satiation Definition - Click Here

Simulation - Click Here
In case you didnt understand, satiaiton just means that something is beyond full.  Also, equalibrium just means balanced.

  1. In the absence of predators, what happens to the population of herbivores? Why? Is this reasonable?
  2. Try the simulator with various carrying capacity values for both options, with and without satiation and note the differences?
  3. What is the effect of carrying capacity on equilibrium densities? And how does this carrying capacity affect the stability of the population?
  4. How do your conclusions from this satiation model differ from your conclusions from the non-satiation model?
  5. Change the satiation value of the predator and try to repeat the experiment as asked in problem 4 and note down the differences? Try the higher values of satiation and lower values of satiation
Activity 2 - Video Time - Population Growth
Watch the videos
Which one was the the most helpful? Why? (3-5 sentences)
Which was the least helpful? Why? (3-5 sentences)

Video 1 - Click Here
Video 2 - Click Here
Video 3 - Click Here

Activity 3 - Graphing

Using the data in the table below, make a graph illustrating the changes in a gray bat population of a single colony. Don’t forget to label your graph. Use the graph you’ve create to answer the questions .


Year                       1982   1986   1988  1990  1991   1994   1997   1998    1999   2000
Number of Bats       400     453     253    481    752    1101   1949   1552   1430    3768 

  1. How many times has the population decreased since it started being measured in 1982?
  2. What are some reasons the population could decrease? (give at least 3)
  3. The colony was not measured in 1995. Using your graph, estimate how many bats were in the colony that year.
  4. When do you think this colony started being protected? 

Activity 4 - Food Web Activity
You need to complete 2 of the food webs from the website.  Please draw them on your paper and make sure your arrows are going in the correct direction.  
Click Here

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Population Growth and Carrying Capacity Guided Notes - Click Here


Bill Nye Video - Click Here

Population Growth Center - Click Here

BrainPop Video - Populaiton Growth - Click Here

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Claim, Reasoning, Evidence - Click Here

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Monday, June 3, 2013

Wolf Hunt PowerPoint
Click Here

Resource 1
Opinions and a bit of data
Click Here

The article mentions a powerpoint from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.  There is a lot of data, but you will have to scroll down quite a ways for it. It starts on page 50 of 85- Click Here

Resource 2
Lots of data and information about the wolves.  Hint: You can use this data both ways!!!!
Click Here

Resource 3
If you prefer to listen to a story about the claim, you will need to listen to both parts of this story and write down facts and opinions.  You can follow along with what's being said by scrolling down throughthe page.

Part 1 - Click Here
part 2 - Click Here

Resource 4
Scroll to bottom (below page 22) for evidence about what the people  from Michigan think about wolves and wolf hunting
Click Here

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Global Warming Information - Click Here
Make a connection between how the abiotic factors of global warming are changing both abiotic and biotic factors here on Earth.  What will you do to make a difference?

Abiotic/Biotic Song - Click Here

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Block 2 - BBC Bitesize - Click Here
Block 1 and 3 - BBC Bitesize - Click Here

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

TED ED Video (symbiosis) - Click Here

Predator vs. Prey Video Center - Click Here
Click on the ink and pick 1 of the videos and answer the questions for this center.

Bonus Video - Click Here
This video is a bit crazy, but if you start it, you have to finish it.  Spoiler wont believe the ending.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Monday, May 6, 2013

Music Center-

Listen to both songs and decide which was more helpful (taught you more).  Explain your reasoning.
Give 3 examples of information about photosynthesis that you learned.

Song 1 - Click Here
Song 1 (with lyrics) - Click Here
Song 2 - Click Here
Song 2 (with lyrics) - Click Here

Compose Your Own Photosynthesis Song-
If you would like to compose your own photosynthesis hip-hop song, use the following beats.  This assignment, if you choose to accept it, is due Friday, 5/10.  You must explain photosynthesis in your own song.

Use words like:
Oxygen or O2
Carbon dioxide or CO2

Rhyming Dictionary - Click Here

EXAMPLE: (you are not allowed to make fun of Mr. McIntyre for this lame excuse for an example.  I only did a few lyrics so I wouldnt steal all your rhymes).

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday, Apr. 22, 2013

Vascular Plant Parts

Directions - Watch video 1, take notes, and answer questions.  Then, watch video 2 and pretend like you understand the video.  What do you think the woman is saying in the video?  Summerize a translation using what you knowledge about Stomata.

Video 1 - Click Here

Video 2 - Click Here

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday, Mar. 19, 2013

Drawing Center:
Compare a stars life cycle to that of a butterfly. Start with eggs and include caterpillar, chrysalis (cocoon), and adult butterfly

Writing Center
Use a separate piece of paper and write a 1 page autobiography of the Sun.  You will pretend you are the Sun.  You have just become a white dwarf.  Tell me your story.  How was your life?  Are you satisfied?  Do you have regrets like not becoming a Black Hole? Your story should include every phase of your life.

BrainPop  Center 

1. How do stars start out?  What do you call a baby star?
2. What is “the main sequence” ?
3. How big a white dwarf star?
4. Why are red giants called red giants?
5. When our sun becomes a red giant what do you think will happen to us?
6. What happens after the Red Giant stage of a star’s  life?
7. What  do you need to know about a star to determine if it will turn into a pulsar or a black hole?
Take the quiz. How did you do!? _____________ /10

Click the button that says ‘FYI’, read the short article and answer the questions: How could supernovas harm us? Should we be scared of a supernova?

Brain POP video
Click Here

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday, Mar. 13, 2013

Use the Activity sheet provided in class to complete for the following video.
(Uses nettrekker so you may need to login)
Click Here

Video 1

Read more about Copernicus and take notes.  Write down 10 things you learned about him.
Click Here

Monday, March 4, 2013

Week of March 4-8, 2013 - Sun Webquest

Dear Mr. McIntyre’s Class,

My name is Captain Rex and I have kidnapped beloved teacher, Mr. McIntyre.  He is locked away on my spaceship that is currently orbiting Earth.  In order to free him, you must complete the following project by this Friday, March, 8.

Before your teacher can be released, your team must be prepared to answer questions from my people.  After that, you will be making a model to use and present to my people’s High Council.  Mr. McIntyre's release depends upon your success.

To Free Your Teacher:
Step 1:  Complete the Solar Facts Research Sheet
Step 2:  Organize a presentation you will make to the High Council. Some ideas include:  posters, plan a skit, Prezi, short video, etc.  To impress the High Council, it must be a creative presentation!  Check the Evaluation section before you begin!
Step 3:  Prepare to share what you learned with the class.

Task, the First – Solar Facts
The aliens want basic information about the Sun.  Your worksheet has a chart you must complete to get basic information. 
Here are some websites to help you as you complete the first task.
Interesting Facts 
About the Sun
Nine 8 Planets for Kids
The Sun

Task, the Second – Solar Structure
Next, the aliens want to know the structure of the Sun.  What makes up the Sun?  What does it do? 
Use the websites to study the Sun’s structure.

Task, the Third – Learning About the Sun
How do we study the Sun?  They want to know how we learn about the Sun.  They want examples of telescopes on Earth and space probes currently studying the Sun. 
The websites below will help you complete task, the third!

Observatories and Telescopes

Space Probes

Task, the Fourth – Presentation
You have the information you need to answer the aliens’ questions.  Your final task is to put it all together.  Look at Step 2 under "To Free Your Teacher".  Select a method for your presentation and work on it!

How will I be graded for this assignment?

Sun WebQuest Rubric

Information is very organized with well-constructed and easy to follow.
Information is organized with well-constructed and easy to follow.
Information is organized, but it is hard to follow.
The information appears to be disorganized and can't be followed.
Amount of Information
All topics and tasks are addressed with information above what is required.
All topics and tasks are addressed.
All but one topic and task are addressed.
Two or more tasks and topics were not addressed.
Quality of Information
Information clearly relates to the main topic. It includes several supporting details and/or examples.
Information clearly relates to the main topic. It provides 1-2 supporting details and/or examples.
Information clearly relates to the main topic. No details and/or examples are given.
Information has little or nothing to do with the main topic.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday, Mar. 1, 2013

Happy March Friends, Spring is just around the corner!!!!!!!

More Sun

Solar Flares
Video 1
Draw and describe the scale used to rate solar flares.
Name 3 things X level flares damage.

Solar Winds
Video 1
Can you feel a solar wind?

Sun Quiz
Take the quiz and write down how you did.
Click Here

Here Comes The Sun
Listen to the sun songs and pick which is your favorite.  Please write 5-7 sentences.
Here Comes the Sun - Nina Simone (cover)
Ain't No Sunshine - Bill Whithers
Island in the Sun - Weezer

Bonus: Write or find your own song about the sun.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013

Sun's Atmosphere

Watch the 3 videos.  Which video is the best and why (3-5 sentences)?
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3

Draw 1
Draw a diagram of the Sun's atmosphere
Diagram Examples:
Example 1
Example 2

Nuclear Fusion on the Sun
Watch the video and read below.  Descibe in your own words what thermonuclear fusion as it relates to the sun. (2-3 sentences)

Video 1
Video 2

What is Thermonuclear Fusion?
Thermonuclear fusion is the process in which a star produce its light, heat, and energy. This happens at the core of the star. The core is superheated to millions of degrees. This heat travels towards the surface and radiates out into the universe. Through this thermonuclear process, stars "burn" a fuel known as hydrogen. The result is that they create another type of fuel known as helium. However, stars do not burn in the same way that a fire does, because stars are not on fire.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013

Space Mnemonics

Come up with your own mnemonic for the planets.

The planets in order from the sun are:
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

For example: My Very Excited Mother Just Served Us Nachos

Viewing Astronomical Objects

Video 1
What are the two types of telescopes?
The objective lens brings the ___________ into focus.
The eyepiece lens ____________ light collected.
Pause the video and draw a refractor telescope (1:22)

Video 2
NetTrekker Login
username: lesstu2
password: student

Vocab from Video 2 - Define in your own words
Infrared Light

Video 3
Zoom in with Hubble Telescope

Picture Gallery 1
Look at the pictures below:
Find "the crow".  Why is it called the crow?
Find the "black hole" image.  Which galaxy is it in?
Find the "dying star" and describe it

Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday, Feb. 25, 2013

Note follow up:
Draw one example of a emitter, reflector, and absorber.  Explain why you drew the object.
I drew a ______________ as a ______________ because: 

Heliocentric vs. Geocentric


Watch Video 1

Read "A Brief History of Astronomy" and answer the questions

Scroll down to Claudius Ptolemy
1.     Who is Claudius Ptolemy?
2.     How did Ptolemy observe space?

Galileo Galilei

When did Galieo live and die? ______ - ______
Write down two things Galileo acomplished.
What is he "most importantly" known as?

Read "A Brief History of Astronomy" and answer the questions
Scroll down to Galileo Galilei
1.   Galileo was the first "________ _________".
2.   Using _________ of his own design and manufacture, Galileo also made many discoveries in _________.
3.   List 3 things Galileo discovered with his telescope

Heliocentric vs. Geocentric
Draw the Geocentric and Heliocentric models. Click here for example.  
What is the main difference between the two models? (1 paragraph)
Which one do we now know to be correct?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday , Feb. 21, 2013

Russian Meteor

Video 1
Just watch the video.  No questions.

Video 2 / Read 1
Watch the video, then read the article below it and answer the questions.
1.  About how many people were injured from the meteor?
2.  What are the Urals?
Finish the sentnence:
3.  Residents on their way to work in Chelyabinsk hear what sounded like an explosion, saw a bright light, and then felt a ________.

Video 3
What do you think the purpose of this news story was? Was it about the meteor or dashboard camera's in Russia?  Explain your answer in 3-5 sentences

Describe what happened when the Russian meteor hit the surface of the Earth?
Click here to look at pictures.

What is the value of a piece of meteor?
Click here to read and find out. $________ per gram

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thursday, Feb. 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day!!!

Black Holes

How black holes work?
Video 1 - take notes

Inside a black hole?
Before Watching...
Prediction What would a black hole look like from the outside?
While Watching
Video 2
Write down 5 interesting things about black holes

Facts, Theory, & Definition
Read, watch, and summarize.
What is a Stellar black holes?
What is a Supermassive black hole?
What is an Intermediate black hole?
Summarize black hole theory into 3 sentences.
Write down 3 interesting facts about black holes (bottom of page).
Go back and watch the video a star being sucked into a black hole.

Black hole finder Game/Activity.  Click Here
Do the Journey to a Black Hole.  Use the different telescopes to "see the sky in different ways"

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2013

Pluto, Kuiper Belt, and the Asteroid Belt

The discovery of Pluto
Video 1
Describe how Clyde Tombaugh discover Pluto.
What is the name of Pluto's moon?

Why is Pluto no longer a planet?
Video 2
Read 1
Answer that question in 4-6 sentences.

The Kuiper Belt
What is the Kuiper Belt?
Video 1
What are most of the objects in the Kuiper Belt made of?
Provide some fashion tips to the guy in the video.
Read 1
Read 2

Asteroid Belt
Asteroids Explained
Video 1
What are asteroids?
What else do you want to know about asteroids?

Asteroid Belt
Video 1
How big is the Asteroid Belt?
Why do scientists think the Asteroid Belt formed?
Video 2 (optional)
Video 3 (optional)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2013

Uranus and Neptune
Intro to Uranus and Neptune.  Nothing to write, just watch.  Click Here


Video 1
The volume of Uranus is how many times that of Earth?
What is the center of Uranus made of?
Describe Uranus's atmosphere
What makes Uranus odd (how does it spin)?
How far is Uranus from the sun?
How many moons does Uranus have?

Read 1
What does Uranus mean?
What is a nickname of Uranus? (_ _ _    _ _ _ _ _)
Does Uranus have rings?
Name at least 5 moons of Uranus.

Read 2
How long does it take for Uranus to revolve around the sun? (give answer in Earth years)
Who discovered Uranus first and when?
How fast do the winds blow on Uranus?


Video 1

The volume of Neptune is how many times that of Earth?

How are Neptune and Jupiter similar?  What is Neptune's version of the The Great Red Spot?

Why does Neptune look blue?
How many moons does Neptune have?  What is its biggest moon called?

How long does it take for Neptune to spin on its axis?  Is this more or less than Earth?

Video 2
Voyager 2 Spacecraft animation of it visiting Neptune.
Write down 5 interesting things you learned like how long it took to get there, or why Neptune is blue.

Read 1

What does Uranus mean?
Who and when was Uranus discovered?
How fast are the winds on Neptune?

Photo Gallery
Look at the pictures that Voyager 2 Spacecraft took of Neptune.  Describe what you see and draw one of the pictures.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday, Feb. 11, 2013

Jupiter and Saturn

Watch the video or do the reading and answer the questions below.


Video 1
How many Earth's to fill the "fifth planet" (Jupiter)?
How many hours does it take for Jupiter to ROTATE? Is that more or less than Earth?
How many moons orbit around does Jupiter?  Name 3 of them.

Jupiter's Great Red Spot
Video 1

Read 1
What is the Great Red Spot?
How many Earths would fit inside it?
Who discovered it and when?

Draw a picture of Jupiter and it's Great Red Spot.


Video 1
Who discovered the rings of Saturn?
How far is Saturn from the Sun?

How many hours does it take for Saturn to ROTATE? Is that more or less than Earth?
What do you think it would be like to be in a storm with winds over 1,000 miles per hour?
How many moons orbit around Saturn?

The moons and rings of Saturn.  Click Here
Which picture is your favorite?  Explain.

Why is the moon Titan so interesting to scientists here on Earth?
Click Here

What would Earth look like with rings?
Click Here to find out

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday, Feb. 7, 2013

Hello Science Students!! As you can see I am not here today, so I expect you to be on your best behavior.  Treat the teacher in my room with the same respect you have shown to me.  Stay at your assigned tables and be kind to one another.  If you are unsure what to do, email me.  I will have my phone with me and will try to get back to you as quickly as possible.

If you finish your work, check the "Where Am I" chart and figure out what assignments you need to do.  Show me the work tomorrow and I will give you your stamps.  Finally, have a great day and for those who deserve it, I will have a reward that is "out of this world".

Mars pt 2

Missions to Mars 

Watch the animation of latest mission to Mars, the Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity Rover).  This is really cool!!!! Click Here
Write down 3 questions you had while watching the video.

Missions to Mars Timeline
You will need to make a timeline (how to make a timeline) of the different missions to the planet Mars. Please include a few words about what each mission accomplished and use the links below for guidance.

Example Timeline - Click Here
For list of years, Click Here

You will need to include the following missions:

Mariner 7
Mariner 9
Viking 1 & 2
Mars Global Surveyor
Mars Exploration Rover - Spirit
Mars Exploration Rover - Opportunity
Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity Rover)

Visiting Mars
Can we get to Mars?  Click Here
Look at the Tourist Information and decide if you would want to go to Mars.  Click Here
Cost of Living on Mars Click Here

Assume that we are able to get live on Mars, would you want to?  Write 1 paragraph about whether or not you would like to visit Mars.  Explain why or why not.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wednesday, Feb. 6, 2013

Mars pt 1

Watch the videos to learn about Mars
Video 1
Video 2

Read about Mars and Answer the questions
Read 1
Where did Mars get its name?

Read 2
Is their Life on Mars? Explain
Has there ever been life on Mars? Explain
Will there ever be life on Mars? Explain

Moons of Mars
Read 1
What are the names of the Moons of Mars?
What will happen to one of the moons in about 50 million years?
Draw a picture of what you think the event on Mars would look like.

Mars in the Movies
Below are 3 clips from different movies relating to Mars.  Why do you think Hollywood likes to make movies about Mars?  Explain your answer in 2 paragraphs.  Discuss what you found interesting about Mars or what other people might think is interesting about Mars.
Mars Attacks - Video 1
Red Planet - Video 2
Rocketman - Video 3

Top 10 movies set on Mars Click Here

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2013

Mercury and Venus

You will learn today about the two inner most planets of our Solar System, Mercury and Venus.  Don''t forget to complete work from previous days to fill up your chart.  The second quarter ends February 15, so all work must be in by February 15!!!!


Mercury Videos
Watch the two videos on Mercury and write down 5 interesting facts about Mercury from each video.  Discuss the atmosphere, temperature, gravity, and any other important facts about Mercury.
Video 1
Video 2

Surface of Mercury-
Describe the surface of Mercury in your own words (5-7 sentences).  How do the pictures compare to our moon?
Messenger Arrives at Mercury Click Here
Images Click Here


Venus Videos
Watch the two videos on Mercury and write down 5 interesting facts about Venus from each video.  Discuss the atmosphere, temperature, gravity, and any other important facts about Venus.  How many volcanoes are estimated to be on Venus?
Video 1
Video 2

Transit of Venus-
What is the "Transit of Venus"?
Draw a picture depicting the "Transit of Venus"
Transit of Venus 1
Transit of Venus 2

Weather on Mercury and Venus
Compare and contrast the weather on the two planets.   Discuss several ways the weather are the same and different

Friday, February 1, 2013

Monday, Feb. 4, 2013

Formation of the Milky Way Galaxy

Watch History of the Universe parts 1 and 2, please answer the questions below.

Before watching:
Where do you think the stars and galaxies came from?
How old do you think the universe is?

While watching the videos, write down 3 questions you want to learn more about.

While Watching Video 1
What do you think is in the black box?
Who calculated the exact motion of the planets?
What is the theory called?

While Watching Video 2
What was the name of the huge explosion?

After watching
Describe triangulation in your own words.
Were your predictions from before watching correct?  

History of the Universe Part 1 Click Here
History of the Universe Part 2 Click Here

Please Read about the history of the Universe.  You will need to take notes over this article and be ready for a reading quiz tomorrow.
The Big Bang
In the beginning
The birth of galaxies
What is space?